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Prakash Lab @ Miami
Prakash Lab @ Miami

Vivek N. Prakash, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics
Secondary Faculty in Biology
University of Miami, Florida
E-mail: vprakash AT
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Univ. Twente profile
Professional Appointments: Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Miami (2020 - present) Secondary Faculty in Biology, University of Miami Education and Training: Postdoc, Biomechanics, Stanford University (2014 - 2019) Advisor: Prof. Manu Prakash Collaborators: Prof. Takashi Mikawa (University of California, San Francisco) Dr. William Gilpin (now at Harvard University) Embryology course, Marine Biological Laboratory (Summer 2019) Ph.D. Applied Physics, University of Twente, The Netherlands (2013) Advisors: Prof. Detlef Lohse (Chair, Physics of Fluids Group) Prof. Chao Sun (now at Tsinghua University, China) Ph.D. Thesis: Light particles in turbulence Ph.D. Committee: Dr. Mickael Bourgoin (ENS de Lyon, France) Prof. Federico Toschi (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands) Collaborators: Prof. Yoshiyuki Tagawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan) Dr. Enrico Calzavarini (University of Lille, France) Dr. Varghese Mathai (now at Brown University) M.S. Engineering Mechanics, JNCASR, Bangalore, India (2009) Advisors: Prof. K. R. Sreenivas (Chair, Engineering Mechanics Unit) Prof. Jaywant H. Arakeri (Indian Institute of Science) B.E. Mechanical Engineering, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India (2007) |
Postdoctoral Research: Organismal biomechanics
12. Vivek N. Prakash, M. S. Bull and M. Prakash
Motility induced fracture reveals a ductile to brittle crossover in the epithelial tissues of a simple animal
(under review) (2019) [bioRxiv preprint link]
Recent conference talks: APS-DFD Meeting, Atlanta (November 2018)
ASCB-EMBO Meeting, San Diego (December 2018)
SICB Meeting, Tampa (January 2019)
APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019)
11. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Rapid behavioral transitions produce chaotic mixing by a planktonic microswimmer
(under review) (2019) [arXiv preprint link]
10. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Dynamic vortex arrays created by starfish larvae
Physical Review Fluids, 2, 090501 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
9. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Flowtrace: simple visualization of coherent structures in biological fluid flows
Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 3411-3418 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
Download Flowtrace here:
Cover of Journal of Experimental Biology (Volume 220, 2017) [web link]
8. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Vortex arrays and entangled cilia underly the feeding vs. swimming tradeoff in sea star larvae
Nature Physics, 13, 380-386 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
- News & Views: V. I. Fernandez & R. Stocker, Hydrodynamics: Modus vivendi, Nature Physics (2016) [web link]
- APS/DFD ‘Milton van Dyke Award’ (Video) - 2016 [web link]
- ‘First place’, Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - 2016 [web link]
- ‘Image of distinction’, Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition - 2016 [web link]
- MEDIA: Stanford News, New York Times, Nature News,, Live Science, Science Daily, EurekAlert, Futurity, Popular Science,
Business Insider, Daily mail, CBS News, Smithsonian, Vox, FYFD
Doctoral Research: Particle-laden Turbulent flows
7. Vivek N. Prakash, J. M. Mercado, L. van Wijngaarden, E. Mancilla, Y. Tagawa, D. Lohse, and C. Sun
Energy spectra in turbulent bubbly flows
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 791, 174-190 (2016) [web link] [PDF]
6. V. Mathai, Vivek N. Prakash, J. Brons, C. Sun and D. Lohse
Wake-driven dynamics of finite-sized buoyant spheres in turbulence
Physical Review Letters, 115, 124501 (2015) [web link] [PDF]
5. Y. Tagawa, I. Roghair, Vivek N. Prakash, M. van Sint Annaland, H. Kuipers, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
The clustering morphology of freely rising deformable bubbles
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 721, R2 (2013) [web link] [PDF]
4. Vivek N. Prakash, Y. Tagawa, E. Calzavarini, J. M. Mercado, F. Toschi, D. Lohse, and C. Sun
How gravity and size affect the acceleration statistics of bubbles in turbulence
New Journal of Physics, 14, 105017, (2012) [web link] [PDF]
- New Journal of Physics ‘Research Highlights’ collection - 2012, 2013 [web link]
- New Journal of Physics focus issue on ‘Dynamics of Particles in Turbulence’ [web link]
- New Journal of Physics Video Abstract Prize - 2013 [web link]
3. J. M. Mercado*, Vivek N. Prakash*, Y. Tagawa, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
Lagrangian statistics of light particles in Turbulence
Physics of Fluids, 24, 055106 (2012) [web link] [PDF]
(*Equal authorship)
2. Y. Tagawa, J. M. Mercado, Vivek N. Prakash, E. Calzavarini, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
Three-dimensional Lagrangian Voronoi analysis for clustering of particles and bubbles in turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 693, 201-215 (2012) [web link] [PDF]
Masters Research: Mantle convection
1. Vivek N. Prakash, K. R. Sreenivas, and J. H. Arakeri
The role of viscosity contrast on plume structure in laboratory modeling of mantle convection
Chemical Engineering Science, 158, 245-256 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
Postdoctoral Research: Organismal biomechanics
12. Vivek N. Prakash, M. S. Bull and M. Prakash
Motility induced fracture reveals a ductile to brittle crossover in the epithelial tissues of a simple animal
(under review) (2019) [bioRxiv preprint link]
Recent conference talks: APS-DFD Meeting, Atlanta (November 2018)
ASCB-EMBO Meeting, San Diego (December 2018)
SICB Meeting, Tampa (January 2019)
APS March Meeting, Boston (March 2019)
11. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Rapid behavioral transitions produce chaotic mixing by a planktonic microswimmer
(under review) (2019) [arXiv preprint link]
10. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Dynamic vortex arrays created by starfish larvae
Physical Review Fluids, 2, 090501 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
9. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Flowtrace: simple visualization of coherent structures in biological fluid flows
Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 3411-3418 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
Download Flowtrace here:
Cover of Journal of Experimental Biology (Volume 220, 2017) [web link]
8. W. Gilpin, Vivek N. Prakash, and M. Prakash
Vortex arrays and entangled cilia underly the feeding vs. swimming tradeoff in sea star larvae
Nature Physics, 13, 380-386 (2017) [web link] [PDF]
- News & Views: V. I. Fernandez & R. Stocker, Hydrodynamics: Modus vivendi, Nature Physics (2016) [web link]
- APS/DFD ‘Milton van Dyke Award’ (Video) - 2016 [web link]
- ‘First place’, Nikon Small World in Motion Competition - 2016 [web link]
- ‘Image of distinction’, Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition - 2016 [web link]
- MEDIA: Stanford News, New York Times, Nature News,, Live Science, Science Daily, EurekAlert, Futurity, Popular Science,
Business Insider, Daily mail, CBS News, Smithsonian, Vox, FYFD
Doctoral Research: Particle-laden Turbulent flows
7. Vivek N. Prakash, J. M. Mercado, L. van Wijngaarden, E. Mancilla, Y. Tagawa, D. Lohse, and C. Sun
Energy spectra in turbulent bubbly flows
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 791, 174-190 (2016) [web link] [PDF]
6. V. Mathai, Vivek N. Prakash, J. Brons, C. Sun and D. Lohse
Wake-driven dynamics of finite-sized buoyant spheres in turbulence
Physical Review Letters, 115, 124501 (2015) [web link] [PDF]
5. Y. Tagawa, I. Roghair, Vivek N. Prakash, M. van Sint Annaland, H. Kuipers, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
The clustering morphology of freely rising deformable bubbles
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 721, R2 (2013) [web link] [PDF]
4. Vivek N. Prakash, Y. Tagawa, E. Calzavarini, J. M. Mercado, F. Toschi, D. Lohse, and C. Sun
How gravity and size affect the acceleration statistics of bubbles in turbulence
New Journal of Physics, 14, 105017, (2012) [web link] [PDF]
- New Journal of Physics ‘Research Highlights’ collection - 2012, 2013 [web link]
- New Journal of Physics focus issue on ‘Dynamics of Particles in Turbulence’ [web link]
- New Journal of Physics Video Abstract Prize - 2013 [web link]
3. J. M. Mercado*, Vivek N. Prakash*, Y. Tagawa, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
Lagrangian statistics of light particles in Turbulence
Physics of Fluids, 24, 055106 (2012) [web link] [PDF]
(*Equal authorship)
2. Y. Tagawa, J. M. Mercado, Vivek N. Prakash, E. Calzavarini, C. Sun, and D. Lohse
Three-dimensional Lagrangian Voronoi analysis for clustering of particles and bubbles in turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 693, 201-215 (2012) [web link] [PDF]
Masters Research: Mantle convection
1. Vivek N. Prakash, K. R. Sreenivas, and J. H. Arakeri
The role of viscosity contrast on plume structure in laboratory modeling of mantle convection
Chemical Engineering Science, 158, 245-256 (2017) [web link] [PDF]